

Sha’Carri Richardson: The 100 meter Olympian winning our hearts

Mayfield Ngondonga

June 25, 2021

The latest athlete being celebrated on our timelines is 21-year old sprinter Sha’ Carri Richardson. 

 Richardson landed herself a spot on the US Olympic team after trials on Saturday the 19th just days after unfortunately losing her biological mother.

The athlete is inspiring people across the world to pursue their dreams despite loss and adversity. The athlete’s loss of her mother seemed to propel her forward and push her to make her mother proud as well as family members still present in her life. With family clearly, a top priority to Richardson, viewers caught a beautiful moment between her and her grandmother only seconds after crossing the finishing line. The live video captured her giving her grandmother a big hug.

Richardson became recognised in her freshman year in 2019 at the Louisiana State University. The sprinter caught peoples attention after running 10.75 seconds to break the 100 m record at the National Collegiate Athletic Association Championships. Since then she has been working tirelessly to get to the top.

Running in style many sports fans and supporters of the now Olympian team member can’t get enough of her killer style and effortless energy exuded after winning the race.

Identified by her long nails, bright orange hair which she says symbolises “running on fire”  and glamorous appearance. Richardson is hard to miss and now she will be recognised not only for her looks but for being one of the fastest women on earth with a heart of gold.

In a time where social media is booming, personality matters more than ever, people want to feel connected to the individuals they look up to. In this way Richardson is unique she brings a similar star quality that we saw from Usain Bolt. People from all backgrounds have fallen in love with her and her interviews have been spreading all over Twitter and Instagram and even catching the attention of Michelle Obama 

Michelle Obama tweets :

If you haven’t seen it yet, @itskerrii’s race at the Olympic Trials is something to behold—but her grace and grit in this interview might be even more special. We are all so proud of you, Sha’Carri! Can’t wait to see what you do in Tokyo!

 Sha’Carri Richardson brings energy both in the way she runs expelling bursts of fire as she strides across the finishing line but also through her personality. It’s clear Richardson believes in herself. She’s fierce and unstoppable. Richardson is sure to be remembered and will be a role model for many. We look forward to what’s in store for Richardson. 

  • 100 meter
  • athletics
  • internet culture
  • Interview
  • News
  • olympics
  • sha'Carri richardson
  • social media
  • sprinter

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