
Chloe Van Putten
May 7, 2021
B Simone claims she manifested her dream life & publishes a book to teach others how they can
31-Year-Old Braelyn Simone also known as B. Simone, from Dallas, Texas, claims law of attraction and manifesting changed her life. This bold statement comes from her Instagram where she addressed her followers and told them you need to believe in yourself and believe good things are going to happen. The statement also coincides with her book “Baby girl manifest the life you want”.
Simone’s career kickstarted in 2012 when she appeared on the series “The search”, she then continued her appearance in the music and acting industry but got her breakthrough in the industry when she later appeared on the show “WILD N OUT” in 2017. Following on from this, Simone built her following on social media and became ‘Insta Famous’. Since then, Simone appeared in “digitiallivesmatter”, “Girl’s cruise”, created her own single “Stack now, cry later” and made her own comedy tour called “You’re my boooyfriend”.
Although Simone was building her name in the industry and earning a comfortable amount. Simone didn’t earn her millions until she started her business “B. Simone Beauty.” Simone and her team created the cosmetic brand and Simone knew big things were coming from it as on her Instagram videos also known as IGTV, Simone tells her followers she knew that she would make millions and she manifested it to happen, she asked to have a million dollars in her bank account by the time she reaches 30. Simone then took to Instagram on her 30th birthday to show her followers her manifestations came true and she did in fact have 1 million dollars in her bank account.
Simone now sits more than comfortable after making millions but she preaches to her followers and audience how important it is to find your inner peace and says that even when you’re a millionaire, you still have your down days and it’s important to be at peace with yourself, she goes on to saying that objects and things and people can make you happy but take that all away and your inner peace becomes the most important thing.
This africian-americian, business woman, now has 3 IGTV series, a YouTube channel with 705k subscribers, her own cosmetic business which are launching a new lash line soon, 5.4 million followers on Instagram, her own book, her own stand-up comedy act and is also the first black, female to codevelop a line with Footaction, with all these projects standing what moves will Simone take next?
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