Chessie King – The Future Of Social Media

Jemima Hunter
July 7, 2021
Twenty-eight-year-old, social media influencer, Chessie King uses her online platforms to spread body positivity, as a mother to be, fiancée and well-established author. With an increasing 806K followers, the fitness and lifestyle influencer is on the rise to blow up the internet community with her honest remarks and confident nature.
The UK born blogger, entered the media industry in 2013, working as a presenter for OK! Magazine and continued to follow the entertainment route by sharing advice on Instagram and now wants to inform other mothers and people with low self-confidence, that the new shape your body has taken is something to be appreciative of. Yet uses her social media as ‘a slice of escapism amongst the chaos.’
The influencer wants the fast-paced Instagram society to become more open and accepting to ordinary people rather than trying to follow the unrealistic expectations of beauty and fame. So, King incorporates fashion with maternity on many of her recent posts to make viewers aware of how beautiful it is to embrace your shape into a ‘look’ and ‘celebrate your glorious bump.’
King had issues with self-confidence growing up, so made it the main objective in her later years to share what concerns she had and how she overcame them. ‘For such a huge slice of my life, I was kidnapped by the body image bollocks brigade. My happiness correlated with the sizes of my wardrobe.’
Often commemorating other influencers for their courage with self-image, regarding people with disabilities and cancer survivors, Chessie tries to create awareness that real beauty comes in all forms. King has often dealt with social media as a somewhat damaging platform by being too idealistic so makes an effort to promote influencers with lessened detrimental posts to provide a more inclusive platform and improve the overall image of the internet community.
King supports the view that you don’t have to be superficial to be captivating and radiant. Unapologetically commending her body every day, King gives viewers the perception that they can celebrate themselves just as much as she does.
The future goal for King is to change people’s perspectives on what it is to be human.
‘There’s a little bit more of me because I’ve collected more memories, more experience, more knowledge & more love over the past year.’
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