Happy Go Lucky Blogger Sade Speaks The Truth.

Tess Belgrove
May 24, 2021
Sade AKA In My Sunday Best is a blogger, influencer, senior architectural designer, photographer and self proclaimed coffee addict.
Living in London Sade enjoys writing her thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes on her blog, ‘In My Sunday best’. Her blog is where you can find her inner most thoughts and feelings which sets her apart from other influencers and bloggers in the way that her audience can relate, understand and get to know her in depth.
Sade started her ‘In My Sunday Best’ blog in 2011 in the hopes of documenting and entertaining herself in her undergraduate years. Now ten years on Sade has accumulated almost 40 thousand Instagram followers and thousands of readers of her blog that she regularly posts and updates. The blog is refreshing, Sade is able to speak her truth, like an online diary that thousands of people read and keep up to date with; something that makes her so successful and interesting.
Sade speaks on her blog about how the internet has enabled her to grow and pursue all of her passions, such as writing, blogging, fashion and especially her interest and career in architecture. In addition it has created a whole new career for Sade, one that she never dreamed of, working with brands such as StarBucks, Topshop, Boden, Marks and Spencer – the list goes on. Sade’s motivation for her blog is to inspire people to be kind, honest and motivated in life.
One of Sade’s popular features is her shop, where she links her favourite fashion items every week. You can shop her whole wardrobe and keep up to date with what’s trending with links to where to buy items from.
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