How To Put Your Heart And Soul Into A Passion With Amber Donoso

Jemima Hunter
September 1, 2021
The British-Chilean songstress Amber Donoso commenced her professional journey from the age of eighteen and was driven by her determination to demonstrate a fresh perspective in the music industry. Now talked about by The Hype Magazine and, Donoso is ascending the ladder to success.
MyComeUp has established the top tips to becoming the best in your industry, with inspiration from a previous exclusive interview with Donoso.
Take inspiration from your upbringing
Donoso grew up listening to a lot of different genres of music including soul pop and indie rock along with a lot of Latin influences from her Chilean father. ‘Lauryn Hill was a massive entrance for me song writing wise, she’s just an amazing storyteller.’
The singer was influenced by other artists which has affected different aspects of her image as she grew up. Their performances, melodies and style all influenced her and became part of her journey to findi her sound as an artist.
Questions to consider:
Who or what inspires you?
How can you interpret your journey into adulthood into a melody, business plan or creative piece?
Tell your story, like Donoso tells hers in her music.
Surround yourself with support
The reggaeton singer discussed how her friendship circles have changed throughout the years, in order to surround herself with companions that have good intentions and encourage her as an artist. Now with only family and friends that back her a hundred percent Donoso feels ‘really really lucky.’
Although the community you surround yourself with is important, Donoso believes you must be your own biggest supporter and fan. Ultimately every industry is tough, so you need to ensure you humbly give yourself credit for persevering and continue to follow your passion.
Make sure you find your unique selling point
At the start of Donoso’s musical journey, she began songwriting in an acoustic style and later moved toward the R&B pop category. It was at the age of twenty that Donoso realised her music was good sonically and musically but wasn’t different enough from other artists so decided to put her individuality into her tunes.
Stripped back to reality, Donoso tried to explore a way in which to expresses her authentic self and realised that her Latin roots was something she should take advantage of. Once finding her reggaeton and R&B symphony, Donoso felt she found her sound and character. ‘I felt like my music could play in a room or a club or anywhere and I wouldn’t feel like I had to explain myself as an artist, it was just like, the music did the talking.’
What’s your USP?
What makes you and/or your business image stand out?
When people think of your name do they automatically look to your distinctive quality?
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