MatPat – YouTube’s Biggest Theorists

Prishant K Jutlla
April 23, 2021
Matthew “MatPat” Patrick, is known on YouTube as a stickler for details theorist and diet-coke addict. His videos range from gaming to film theories and more. MatPat’s digital content shows how much passion and research go into creating a successful online career.
MatPat started his YouTube career back in 2009 at the age of 22, and two years later uploaded the first episode of Game Theory.
Currently, the Game Theory channel has 14 million subscribers and ranges from video game lore and easter eggs to the scientific and mathematical questions of world-building. MatPat creates videos covering Five Nights At Freddy’s, Pokémon, Nintendo, Minecraft and numerous other games. The most popular video on the channel is “Game Theory: FNAF, The Clue that SOLVES Five Nights at Freddy’s!“ with over 28 million views.
With the success of his first channel, MatPat created spin off channels. In 2015 he made The Film Theorists (also known as Film Theory), which currently has 9.69 million subscribers. Film Theory follows the same formula as Game Theory, but focuses on film and TV series. Within a month, the channel reached 1 million subscribers. The most popular video with over 22 million views is “Film Theory: How to KILL DEADPOOL!”
A couple of months later after Film Theory, he started a third channel called GTLive. A live streaming channel where he shared centre stage with his wife Stephanie now sits at 2.43 million subscribers. The pair usually create up to three live streams a week, and on average gain roughly 100,000 to 140,000 total viewers for each stream.
His most recent adventure came in 2020 when he created a fourth channel, The Food Theorists (or Food Theory). The channel uses the same style of breaking down theories, but blends food science with psychology, physiology and conspiracy.
The channel reached 1 million subscribers in its first week, and gained a second million in 4 months. Currently it sits at 2.3 million subscribers. The most popular video of the channel so far is “Food Theory: Chuck E Cheese Pizza, Should You Be Scared?” with 7 million views.
MatPat has created his own mini-empire in theories channels, and was even given his own YouTube original series called Game Lab in 2016. The show focuses on playing video games scenarios in real life, including parkour and bomb defusing. The first episode of the series is currently sitting with over 72 million views.
MatPat is a great example of how someone can create a career for themselves surrounding what they love. Throughout his videos, MatPat has spoken of his school life, love of maths and science, and introverted nature and loving movies and video games. He’s been able to mix his interests together and create fun, engaging content for anyone. Who knows what his next YouTube Channel will focus on: Toy Theory? Art Theory? Only time will tell where he may venture to next.
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