Now She’s Here – Exclusive Interview With Ashleigh Jadee

Essex born, Ashleigh Jadee has distinguished herself as an accomplished director after years of applying herself to exploring photography and film. Having worked with iconic names like Joss Stone, James Morrison and WSTRN, Jadee has expanded her directorial catalogue and continues to learn and grow in the media industry.
We sat with Jadee to discuss the years of experience she’s gained; whether the industry has taken to her as a woman of colour, working in a predominantly male environment and how she mentors youths in order to help them follow their aspirations of working in the media.
The London based director discussed how moving from the countryside to city life shaped and inspired her work. ‘I was always kind of in and out of London as a kid because my dad was from London, and I started to go to London a lot when I was like thirteen, but I wouldn’t tell my mum. I’d be like yea I’m just going out to play, jump on the train, go up to like Stratford and go to the hair shops and stuff.’
As a child Jadee was captivated by music videos and wanted to create her own. However, when she hit her early teenage years, she got caught up with other less advantageous interests. Having completed college, the director explored her passion again and discovered photography, whilst undergoing her BTEC in Media.
Jadee’s expressiveness in her directing also stems from the inspiration she takes from what’s around her and moments she’s fond of. ‘You’ll start to see my work shaping a bit differently that’s because it’s me as a person, I’m growing into different interests and stuff and my visuals are starting to show that as well.’
Following college, she emailed a production company. She pursued them for almost a year with no response so decided to be bold and walk into the agency uninvited to ask for an internship. ‘They were like, cool. Send your work to this email, and we’ll get back to you. So, I went home sent all my work over to them and two weeks later, started my internship.’ This experience was fundamental for Jadee, and she was taught for a year and a half how to shoot to a professional standard and was put forward for a H&M campaign.
She came to the realisation that even when you’re signed to an agency, with your name next to respected directors, it’s hard to establish a name for yourself, unless you keep representing yourself and put in the work. ‘So, I just went back to basics and went back to working with artists and creating like a signature style in a way and trying different things. I found a team that I worked with really well and then from there just kept going and I started to really build a name.’
Whilst working in the media in industry, we discussed whether Jadee believes her race or gender has played a part in her career path. ‘In a good and bad way, you know sometimes I could see certain things that would get certain briefs will be directed to me because I’m the black girl. Oh rappers, give it to Ashleigh you know, which is annoying because I knew I could do more than shoot rappers.’
‘Since the Black Lives Matters happening last year, people are more conscious that they have to look for different people in different worlds and stuff, so I’ve had a lot more opportunities being brought to be so that’s the pros.’
Since lockdown, Jadee has started her own mentoring business. Whilst she couldn’t go out and shoot she needed some extra income in order to help youths get the experience and knowledge they needed to succeed as directors. Jadee explained how, although her students learn from her, they’re also teaching her the world through their eyes as a different generation. ‘I just felt so happy seeing their faces light up when you tell them a little piece of information which is just normal to you know.’ Jadee understands how important it is to have a mentor that believes in you, which she experienced herself.
Who is Ashleigh Jadee?
‘I’m always changing. I like going to the bougie areas but then I’ll go to the hood, so I think that’s just me as a person, you never really know what you’re going to get. I’m always changing, I don’t like being the same, I always like to learn, so I’d say that’s who I am.’
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